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Hi all! I’m Lisa, I’m from Dublin and I’m a relatively new Star Wars fan. I got into it last year over the lockdown as per a friends recommendation. Safe to say I was a fast fan and instantly took a liking to it and all the fan stuff that comes with it! 

I just placed my order with RSpropmaster for a Tie Pilot suit! I’m so excited and can’t wait for it to arrive. I did have to buy the boots separately since they didn’t have my size - but other than that I just have to get an E11 and an aker amp and I’m all set! 

Very excited to get to know everyone and just have fun in the forums! 


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Welcome Aboard Lisa.

Great choice of costume.

Sound like your making great progress.

If you want to get a side arm made a lot of members use a site called Breaking the mould.

You'll find it on Facebook.

A guy called Jimmy runs it.

Very good standard of quality and service.

And he's bases in Dublin so no customs to deal with.

Most of our pilots carry a DL44 If you don't fancy lugging around the E11.

For a helmet and armour kit I suggest a DA kit.

Great quality and not too difficult to work with.

If you need more info please feel free to ask.

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1 hour ago, Straight Razor said:

Welcome Aboard Lisa.

Great choice of costume.

Sound like your making great progress.

If you want to get a side arm made a lot of members use a site called Breaking the mould.

You'll find it on Facebook.

A guy called Jimmy runs it.

Very good standard of quality and service.

And he's bases in Dublin so no customs to deal with.

Most of our pilots carry a DL44 If you don't fancy lugging around the E11.

For a helmet and armour kit I suggest a DA kit.

Great quality and not too difficult to work with.

If you need more info please feel free to ask.


Ahh thanks for the recommendation for the DL44! I was looking at original stormtrooper for a E11, but I might grab a DL44 that’s easier to carry around. 

I’ll be sure to send in my costume for approval once it arrives! 

(Sorry for the double post, on my phone and just figured out how to work the forum!)

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Hi Lisa! It's great to have more target practice for our X-Wings 😂 There's a FB group called Ladies of the Legions. It's a really great group if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask 😀

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Siohán Hind


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2 hours ago, TigerJedi said:

Hi Lisa! It's great to have more target practice for our X-Wings 😂 There's a FB group called Ladies of the Legions. It's a really great group if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask 😀

ah sure, can never have too much target practice. and ahh, thank you so much for the group recommendation! i’ll definitely have a look - it’s great to hear it’s non-binary inclusive too! 


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Welcome Lisa to the forums.

It will be great to have another pilot in the ranks.

Make sure you follow us on all our social media & why not reach out to us on FB.

We do some zoom calls every now & again & it's a nice way to meet the rest of us mad bunch while troops are on hold.

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TK/TX/DZ/SL 18170 -  Shane Murphy [Dropkick]
501st profile




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Welcome Lisa...great choice...looking forward seeing your costume once ready and then we can talk about joining the good side as well 😇


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Rebel Legion Ireland Commanding Officer
Rebel Legion Ireland Merchandise Officer
501st Ireland Garrison Webmaster


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Hi Lisa, as a member who only cleared back in December I can assure you that you'll be made to feel very welcome here!  Looking forward to seeing your work - more pilots are always needed!

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, DiamondDynamite said:

The gang are some of the warmest, friendliest people ever - regardless of your having a Star Wars build yet or not. You'll get on well :3 
Hope to see you at meets when we finally return to real life events 

Can’t wait to go to a meet once real life events are back up and running ! (Also, love the Harley cosplay ! Massive DC fan myself!)

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Welcome to the forum Lisa.  Looking forward to seeing your completed costume and trooping with you.  We have a lot of online events coming up at the May the 4th Be With You Festival in May (obviously).  You can check out the details here and if your interested you can become a member of the website.



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  • 2 months later...

Very nice, Lisa.

Good luck with your clearance.

I see you have bubble lenses in your helmet. What's the vision like?

I took mine out after my 1st troop as I could see very little. I replaced them with flat lenses, so I could see a lot better.


TK/TX/DZ/SL 18170 -  Shane Murphy [Dropkick]
501st profile




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16 minutes ago, Dropkick said:

Good luck with your clearance.

I see you have bubble lenses in your helmet. What's the vision like?

I took mine out after my 1st troop as I could see very little. I replaced them with flat lenses, so I could see a lot better.

Out of interest how jumpy are they about things like eye lenses

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1 minute ago, welshchris77 said:

Both flat or bubble lenses are fine for clearance😁👍

https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TI_TIE_Pilot_ANH#Version One

Both are fine.

I found the vision in my bubble lenses was terrible, so I changed them. It's a personal preference tbh. 

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TK/TX/DZ/SL 18170 -  Shane Murphy [Dropkick]
501st profile




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3 hours ago, Dropkick said:

Very nice, Lisa.

Good luck with your clearance.

I see you have bubble lenses in your helmet. What's the vision like?

I took mine out after my 1st troop as I could see very little. I replaced them with flat lenses, so I could see a lot better.

i’m not too bad with them to be honest. they did come loose in transit so i’ll have to properly attach them but i think i’m alright with them! i do just need to add a bit more padding so my eyes actually line up with the lenses, but i should be grand with them!

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