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Rebel Legion Ireland Commanding Officer
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Xadras last won the day on September 17

Xadras had the most liked content!


157 Excellent


About Xadras

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Rebel Legion

501st Legion

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  1. Hi Liam...welcome...please let me know if you need any help along the clearance process
  2. Hi Chris, it's great to hear you'll be here soon. I'm sure we'll have the chance to meet with some of the guys here. I'll try to join as well, but will only know closer to the date
  3. Xadras

    New Member

    Welcome Conor!
  4. Xadras


    Welcome Erika
  5. Welcome @julovitch! I upgraded your rank to international member. You should be able to access the events now.
  6. Just granted international membership privileges
  7. Just granted international membership privileges
  8. Yeah I was thinking the same
  9. Hi Dan, and welcome to our forum! I was in Anaheim for the Celebration too, but my memory is bad as well and during that week i met so many people i wouldn't be able to recall anyway
  10. Welcome on our forum Lucy!
  11. Hi Patrick and welcome on our forum....what you are asking is i believe one of the most asked questions around...and the answer is tricky since not everything you might find online would be good for approval. I would suggest to start registering on the global forum http://www.forum.rebellegion.com/forum/index.php and once your account is approved, you can check out there what other people do and what's the feedback given to them, there is even a section of people selling parts they produce or they own...in general to avoid wasting money don't buy anything unless someone either here or on the global forum there is telling you it might be approvable....the main thing though would be that it would need to correctly fit you following the generic jedi costume standards (https://rebellegion.com/jedi-costume-standards-generic/). You have quite a good search ahead of you, but there are a lot of resources around you can use.
  12. @Dropkick you missed www at the start of the url...it's http://www.501st.ie/contact-us
  13. Xadras


    Welcome back Ian!!!
  14. Welcome Lauren! It's great to see more rebels coming...we need reinforcements against all these imperials around
  15. Hi Daniel, welcome to our forum...great choice for the clone as it's one of those costumes that can be cleared with both 501st and Rebel Legion
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