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julovitch last won the day on January 23 2024

julovitch had the most liked content!


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About julovitch

  • Birthday 12/03/2003

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501st Legion

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  1. Thanks so much! I requested the role and updated my profile I don't think I'll be transferring garrisons since I feel like it's not really helpful and I'm glad to represent the french one here !
  2. Thanks so much for the warm welcome Since I just started work I don't know my schedule yet and it's probably gonna change every week (I work weekends too unfortunately) Is there a way for me to have access to the trooping infos so I can see which one I can go to?
  3. Hello there! I'm a member of the french garrison, currently working in Galway for 6 months to a year maybe. I was wondering if I could come with you on troopings since I have to validate one to be considered "active" and more importantly because I love it! I have a TIE pilot outfit but didnt bring all of it so rn I have a reserve pilot costume. I brought ONE keychain of the french garrison with me (I'm kind of a new member sorry) if anyone wants to trade, or if there's some patches I can buy too... I hope we can get in touch!
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