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Emerald Trooper

501st Ireland Events Officer
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Emerald Trooper last won the day on August 21 2024

Emerald Trooper had the most liked content!


434 Excellent


About Emerald Trooper

  • Birthday 04/20/1971

Personal Information

  • Real Name
    Dave Byrne

501st Legion

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  1. You're very welcome Conor.
  2. You're very welcome Michael
  3. You can email events@501st.ie with details about the event and we can take it from there
  4. Hi James. Your very welcome. I got my armor from Bobamaker. Probably the most reliable guy to get armor from. Here's a link to his site http://www.bobamaker.net/ He's quite good with turn around times and communication is very good.
  5. Hi Thomas, welcome to the club. I built a Havoc Trooper during the first year of the pandemic. I got the armor from Walts Trooper Factory. Here is the link to his FB book https://www.facebook.com/groups/waltstrooperfactory I couldnt recommend him more highly. Usually takes around 8 to 10 weeks to get an order from him, he can be quite busy but its worth the wait. He also does Commando armor as well. Check out this channel for some really good Commando tutorials. You can also check out my link on the forum about my build here
  6. Welcome Todd, looking forward to trooping with you some time in the not too distant future
  7. Welcome to the forum Lisa. Looking forward to seeing your completed costume and trooping with you. We have a lot of online events coming up at the May the 4th Be With You Festival in May (obviously). You can check out the details here and if your interested you can become a member of the website. https://www.maythe4thbewithyoufestival.com/
  8. You're very welcome Daniel
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