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Boba fett armour!


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Hi guys! Just trying to make my way through the galaxy and end up on the wrong end of a deal and lost money due to a bad "seller" i am looking to buy or find someone that prints boba fett armour. Im in Dublin and am very skeptical about buying abroad again as i lost money the last time! But not unwilling providing some of you guys know who im dealing with. I suppose the question i need to ask is if any of you could point me in the right direction with suggestions on who i could buy from. Would be looking to get full armour and possibly soft parts aswell! Budget is flexible to a degree but will always pay for quality! Thanks again guys and may the force be with you! 


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Welcome James, and I'm sorry to hear that you've already had a bad experience. Do you mind me asking where you found the seller that ripped you off?

We do have one Boba in the garrison already, so Dave might be able to point you towards some reputable sources. The 501st Bounty Hunters' Guild (BHG) is another great resource, so be sure to sign up to their forums too if you haven't already.

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Hello and welcome James.

You picked a tough one to start with there.

But an iconic costume for sure.

What version would you like to try?


As for the soft parts you could find a good seamstress to make then for you.

Undersuit etc

Just need to find the patterns.

There's a seamstress in Dublin a few members on here use regularly.

I'll let them add her name.I don't know her myself.

The mando mercs page and the Bounty Hunters guild are good pages to find a lot of info

If you find anything your not sure of on etsy or ebay just post on here and you'll get a definite answer as to if its worth it or not.

Either way ask lots of questions.

We've all been the same boat when we started so we are here to help.

Best o luck.


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Hello and welcome!

My name is Richard and I am one of the Garrison Membership Liaison.


You have definitely picked an iconic character indeed, a challenge, but an amazing one.

Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience and hope it doesn't deter you in the long run.


Some additional information for you:

Each kit or costume is part of a detachment, which manages its own "Costume Reference Library" or CRL.

Boba Fett would be part of the Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG) referenced above.

Their CRLs can be found here and cover a wide range of bounty hunters whom appear in various Star Wars media:


The main CRL page can be found here with the full list of detachments and under these, their kits:


(FISD for Stormtroopers, Sith Lord Detachment for Vader etc.)


The CRL or movie quality standard is the "goal" for joining the 501st, however, is not necessarily the goal for everyone who just want's to kit up and feel like the boss. 


Additionally, the detachments have their own website which would be an excellent resource for those more particular questions around vendors, assembly, etc. right the way down to the correct colour code for that perfect screen accurate finish.



Additionally, the main legion website can be an excellent source as well. while broader in scope, does also offer a significant amount of information:


Finally, Bobamaker is definitely the premium when it comes to Boba Fett armor and is widely regarded as among (if not the) best, however, if you visit the BHG website or main 501st forums you can find additional vendors listed there.


Please keep us up to date on your journey. I initially started out with the hopes of a Vader but was swayed to a Stormtrooper, which was quickly followed by a Shadow Scout.

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Everything a price has, however, isn’t always money, the price is. 


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Thanks lads for all you're feedback! Much appreciated! Just as a matter of interest, what you all make of the 3D printed armour? I know its not the best stuff ever but for first go around would it do??? @Stephen Coffey he bever sent it! I agreed to pay 500 up front and rest upon delivery and i just got ghosted! My own fault for being trustworthy🤷🏽‍♂️ 

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Hi James & welcome to our forums.

What a 1st costume to build - right in on the deep end with that one. 

All the garrison members have already suggested what I was going to say, so best of luck with your research.

If in doubt, please ask questions here & someone will be able to point you in the right direction.

So sorry to hear of the dodgy seller that stung you for your hard earned credits. 


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TK/TX/DZ/SL 18170 -  Shane Murphy [Dropkick]
501st profile




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