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Hello everyone,

I'm Thomas and quiet new here.
Just thought I'd put a small bit about my self and then ask my questions.

I'm an EMT for the Irish Red Cross and currently working in one of the many covid centres around the country for about a year.
I'm easy going and always enjoys a good laugh.

I would like to be a Clone Commando and want to make sure I'm in the right group as well any help with sorting a kit or advice would be much appreciated 

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Thomas Mclaughlin

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Welcome to our forum Thomas!

Great choice as first costume, it can be cleared with both Rebel Legion and 501st. I personally don't have much experience with armoured costumes, but I know here you'll find a lot of advices that would help you.

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Rebel Legion Ireland Commanding Officer
Rebel Legion Ireland Merchandise Officer
501st Ireland Garrison Webmaster


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Welcome Thomas, it would be great to have you with us. I'll ask in the group whether anyone with clone experience can point you in the right direction. You'll also find detailed information on costumes specs in the Clone CRL section:





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Hello Thomas & welcome to the forums.

Clones are a difficult build, but we have one or two here.

Perhaps @Petesbigpants& @Emerald Trooper & @Shadow Troopercan help with some tips.

The clone trooper detachment will also help at http://501stclonetroopers.com/


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TK/TX/DZ/SL 18170 -  Shane Murphy [Dropkick]
501st profile




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Thomas, welcome to the club.  I built a Havoc Trooper during the first year of the pandemic.  I got the armor from Walts Trooper Factory.  Here is the link to his FB book https://www.facebook.com/groups/waltstrooperfactory  I couldnt recommend him more highly.  Usually takes around 8 to 10 weeks to get an order from him, he can be quite busy but its worth the wait.  He also does Commando armor as well.  Check out this channel for some really good Commando tutorials.  You can also check out my link on the forum about my build here



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