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Introduction - Hello again


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Hi all, its been a while. I last trooped Sep 9th 2017 and found myself in hospital a week later. Im still battling illness but have gotten to a point where Im keen to be a part of the community again and would love to eventually be able to troop again. 

Have managed to amass a sizable SW figure collection in the last while and about to make some models and try my hand at customisations. Still have an inoperable "collapsed spine" so I also need to source a new costume (2 and a bit inches shorter means my TK doesnt fit 🙃).

Hopefully catch you all soon.

Alan TK16076

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11 hours ago, Terrorsaur said:

Hi all, its been a while. I last trooped Sep 9th 2017 and found myself in hospital a week later. Im still battling illness but have gotten to a point where Im keen to be a part of the community again and would love to eventually be able to troop again. 

Have managed to amass a sizable SW figure collection in the last while and about to make some models and try my hand at customisations. Still have an inoperable "collapsed spine" so I also need to source a new costume (2 and a bit inches shorter means my TK doesnt fit 🙃).

Hopefully catch you all soon.

Alan TK16076

So good to see you back Alan.

Sorry to hear about your illness and hope it is not causing you too much pain, how is your mobility?, If there is anything any of us can do to help you get back to trooping please let us know.

Also I should mention we have a members Facebook chat if you use fb would like to be added, it is useful for updates (in addition to this forum) and a bit of banter, if not though I totally understand, fb and group chats are not everyone's cup of tea.

Here is a link to my facebook page if you would like to link up:- https://www.facebook.com/welshchrisinireland/

Sounds like you have been busy with your figure collection, you must show us some pics, would love to see them, also if you start doing customs would be great to see them too.

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Great to see you here, Alan.

We have 2 events in Dublin already for November. Hopefully you can come along, even as crew to say hi.

It would be great to catch up after so long.

Take care, buddy.


TK/TX/DZ/SL 18170 -  Shane Murphy [Dropkick]
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IMG_20170808_145802.jpgThanks! I have fond memories of the Tattoo festival. Not everyday you see a Stormie get inked and we rocked on stage! Really looking forward to meeting up again. 

I'm mobile(ish) crutches for any distance but I can lean against a bar stool for a couple of hours 😉

I'm on a pretty intense pain management regime and I have the option to double down for a short period. Pay for it afterwards but I certainly think I could eventually troop at an event that has a sizeable group. I'd be hesitant about taking a spot in something that requires just 2 or 3 active members. But larger troops where I can stand down from time to time should be OK. But crewing shouldn't be an issue. Again it would have to be as a tag along in the situations where a crew member is a must at all times. 

I need to obtain a kit that isn't so restrictive around the torso and be able to sit. I'm thinking Tie. 

I've pinged you on messenger Chris. Not active on FB but do have messenger. Here is the main spot for Trooping info though? tapatalk_1502168669398.jpegScreenshot_20170810-104707.png

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hey Alan, 


delighted to hear you are back. maybe a tie or biker would be easier to wear now. or if you are 2 inches shorter, you could also join the ever growing Jawa clan 😛

hope to see you out soon man



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3 hours ago, Avenger TK said:

hey Alan, 


delighted to hear you are back. maybe a tie or biker would be easier to wear now. or if you are 2 inches shorter, you could also join the ever growing Jawa clan 😛

hope to see you out soon man



Did someone say Jawa?



TK/TX/DZ/SL 18170 -  Shane Murphy [Dropkick]
501st profile




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