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Avenger TK

501st Ireland Charity Officer
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Avenger TK last won the day on September 26

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120 Excellent

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About Avenger TK

  • Birthday 01/19/1979

Personal Information

  • Real Name
    Aidan Leonard

501st Legion

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  1. Heya, we don't have any members out near Galway anymore unfortunately.
  2. Hola Erika, bienvenida. Fancy seeing you here
  3. Avenger TK


    Hey Ian. Great to see you back man. So did you get the sandy back in action then????
  4. Welcome Lauren. Hera would be an epic costume to have...... Good luck with the build
  5. Welcome Adrian, Can I maybe guess if you are living in Maynooth, that you might be working in intel??? Aidan
  6. Hey Bradley, Were you there for my dinner with your garrison back in February? We met in a lovely Mexican in chandler. There was a great gang out that night. Might get to return the favour when you are over
  7. Welcome man. And you don't have to have a costume to join us. We need people to crew and minders for our costumers when at events. So have a look at our events and try to pop along. You can chat with us and we can guide you as to where to start or even order your costume from.....
  8. hey alice, and welcome. we always need more rebels to hunt down
  9. hey Alan, delighted to hear you are back. maybe a tie or biker would be easier to wear now. or if you are 2 inches shorter, you could also join the ever growing Jawa clan hope to see you out soon man Aidan
  10. Welcome back made...... ????
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