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  2. That is no problem what so ever, there is always next time . Regardless I hope you enjoy your time in Ireland.
  3. Sorry for the delay, but just saw our shore excursions, and it looks like they end about the time boat leaves. Sorry about that. I was hoping to meet members.
  4. Hello Mark, Where abouts are ye going to be in Cork and how long will ye be around before heading to Dublin. As I can try and meet up to say hello. But might not be until after 7pm unfortunately due to work.
  5. I hope that you get to meet some of our Garrison during your stay Mark. Unfortunately I'll be under general anaesthetic having four wisdom teeth pulled the day you're in Cork, and probably won't be fit for a trip up to Dublin the next day! Hope to get another chance to meet you both in the future though.
  6. Hello Mark and thanks for reaching out! Hope you have an amazing time in Ireland. We have some members down around Cork, however, the majority would be based in Dublin. I will flag your visit in our group chat and hopefully some of the members may be available one of those evenings. Safe travels and enjoy!
  7. Hello all, My wife and I are taking a cruise of the British Isles, and we will be in Cork on April 24th and Dublin on the 25th.
  8. Welcome Katie, looking forward to trooping with you soon
  9. Welcome Katie!! Look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming troops!
  10. A massive congratulations to you Katie & welcome to the garrison. The Galactic Academy want to thank you for everything & know that we will miss you, but wish you all the best with your trooping with the 501st & Rebel Legion in the future.
  11. This makes me so happy! Welcome Katie! All the cookies for our Kylo-girl
  12. Welcome and congratulations again! An amazing costume and look forward to trooping again soon! Richard
  13. Many congratulations Katie! It is a superb costume and you are very welcome to the Garrison. We shall all see you soon!
  14. Welcome Kylo Girl!!!! Looking forward to seeing you in Portmagee!!
  15. I’m Katie. I’m really happy to have my Jawa costume cleared and look forward to trooping with everyone soon.
  16. That would be brilliant Jessica! Delighted you got to meet Jamie, and I understand you left a gift for one of our members who will definitely appreciate it
  17. Welcome Antonio, it would be great to have you with us at some point in your time on this side of the Atlantic!
  18. Thank you very much for a great chat in the pub. I’m looking forward to return to Dublin later this year and maybe the plans work to join you next year on the St. Patrick’s day parade as well.
  19. I'll be around Dublin city centre at 4 or 5 pm roughly if that suits
  20. Hey Anthonio! Welcome!! Would amazing to have you troop with us!
  21. Hello everyone! I’m Antonio from the Southern California Garrison, OC Squad. I’m signing up here since I’ll be taking a study abroad trip to London this summer and hope to troop with as many European garrisons as possible. here’s my 501st info https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=34038&costumeID=428
  22. Then we will see us again hopefully next time. But I’m happy to meet some of your colleagues
  23. Hi Jessica! I am sorry to say that I will not be able to travel to Dublin myself due to family commitments, but one or two of our other members should be making contact with you soon I am sorry that I shall miss you this time!
  24. Are there any plans now for Wednesday evening?
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