Happy to help, Boba is iconic and with that, there is high standard attached to it. It is achievable with patience and perseverance.
There are a ton of resources and guides out there to help. Here are some quick links for you all in one place to make things easy;
The 501st have a Costume Reference Library (CRL), which is maintained by the detachments.
Each detachment maintains their own CRLs and ensures they are screen accurate. It is the GML in each garrison that will review submission pictures to the CRL for approval.
Boba is maintained by Bounty Hunters Guild (BHG): https://databank.501st.com/databank/BHG_CRL
The CRL for the kit you mentioned is here: https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:BH_Boba_MandoS2_Repaint
Each detachment also has their own forum where you can get some very specific advise, tutorials and general information about your chosen kits.
Once you have your kit and you feel they align to the CRL (has to be one specific CRL - can’t mix and match), please send your submission pictures to:
Some additional resources on joining and registering at the main legion level:
How to join:
- and some additional detail on the process:
If you have any questions or wish to establish a build thread here on the forum, please do and the Garrison can weigh in with our thoughts and feedback.
Similar can be done on the detachment forums for even more expert advise.
(FYI I see you have your forum permissions updated and can now register for events)