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Bellisme_01 last won the day on January 16 2024

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About Bellisme_01

  • Birthday 09/19/2001

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  • Real Name
    Cian Bellew

501st Legion

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  1. Yeah that's my Red Hood cosplay I wear him for most conventions. I would absolutely love any help I can get for Boba Fett cause I want to be able to pass clearance and join you guys as soon as possible.
  2. Hello there My name is Cian and I'm hoping to join the 501st as Boba Fett and Kylo Ren someday. I mostly do Superhero cosplays but I have always wanted to do a star wars Cosplay and join a Cosplay group. I go to as many cons in Ireland as I can. I've been tinkering away at a book of Boba fett Cosplay at the moment and I'm hoping to have it done by the end of the year. Hopefully someday I can join you guys as the Daimyo or Tatooine. May the force be with you
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