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Everything posted by Atrejias

  1. Hey, Cork is a little out of our route but maybe We’ll come near there, who knows
  2. Too bad. That would have been amazing
  3. Thx to you! Austria is also one of the smaller garrisons, I know This Problem. if anyone had Time, it would be really cool. your Country is amazing and really beautiful, we find enough things to discover every day. We really enjoy it!
  4. Seems like no one finds some time.
  5. 24.08.-26.08. Dublin 26.08.-29.08. Tullamore 29.08.-01.09. Galway 01.09.-05.09. Limerick 05.09.-07.09. Dublin
  6. Hey sorry, You’re absolutely right. Some dates could be really helpful I‘ll take a look to my reservations and post them here asap
  7. Hey together. I‘m Bastian and member of the Austrian Garrison and I‘ll visit your beautiful country from the 24. Aug to 07. Sept. for the very first time. I‘ll stay in Dublin, Tullamore, Galvay and Limerick for each several days. Maybe some of you are nearby one of my bases and could take the time for a chat and maybe some trade. feel free to mail me, this should be easiest greetz Bastian Stimpfl TK 77762
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