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30 Day Trooping Advisory COVID-19

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Message from main legion in relation to the covid 19 crisis:-
Most of you are aware of the ongoing situation world-wide with the COVID-19, we want to help local and national agencies protect their communities and our membership. As a result Legion Command has decided to issue a formal advisory against trooping and holding events for thirty (30) days effective today March 17, 2020. At the close of thirty (30) days we will reevaluate this decision.
During this time we ask Garrison, Outpost Commanders and Event Coordinators notify venues that we will not be attending events that fall within this timeframe. We have also notified Lucasfilm (LFL) of this decision. We collectively should take the responsible high ground in this situation.
As you may know we have issued a notice that Commanders and their Command Staff err on the side of caution in the Legion census due to the real world health issues we are facing. Many of our members across the world are assisting their communities and families directly in this time and should be excused from Legion duties.
Thank you for dedication to your families, community and the 501st Legion my friends.
May the Force be with you always.
Thank you for your understanding, patience and cooperation,
Dawn Bright
Legion Commanding Officer of the 501st Legion
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